Monday, January 10, 2011

How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #79

Everyone wants their child to do well in school. What can you do if your child struggles with school work?
You must realize that children will often develop and learn at different stages. Try not to panic and don't become frustrated. It will only frustrate the child. Many children will hesitate to admit whey they don't understand because they don't want to appear "slow" or "dumb". As long as a child has a strong base and passion and confidence for learning, it will hopefully become easier. That brings us to tip #79.

Tip #79: If your child is having difficulty in school and nothing is working get your child some help.

First, take a breathe and realize that most kids struggle at one time or another. Just because a child is having difficulty doesn't mean there is a learning disability. It may mean the child is not developmentally ready for certain concepts. Patience is the key. Don't do the work for the child, but let the child work through problems as independently as possible. Children need to feel that they are successful, not the parent will do the work. Make sure you meet with the teacher and together create a plan on what you can do at home to help your child. See if the teacher has any concerns and work together to solve the the situation.

Next, find out concrete examples of the problems your child is having, like test scores, classwork, or homework. That way you will better understand how to help. If you cannot help with a certain subject, seek help from older siblings, friends, tutors, or ask the teacher for suggestions. It is important to address any academic problems as soon as possible. The child doesn't need to go on to another concept, chapter, or grade level without mastering all basic lessons.

Lastly, be positive and give your child confidence. Nothing will cause a child to bottom out more then feeling frustrated and that the work is too hard. Have high expectations for the your child, but have realistic goals and expectations. Not every child will be great in every subject. Just let the child know that hard work and putting in the time will make a difference.


Tammy Moss January 10, 2011 at 4:33 PM  

I have to admit- I agree wholeheartly with what was said in this article. When helping your child with homework or any kind of schoolwork, BE PATIENT! If you let your child explain their answer to you, you can grasp what they are learning and retaining in school. Then offer help if needed. Don't do the homework for them, be there to assist only if necessary

Unknown January 11, 2011 at 6:51 AM  

I agree with what you are saying, and I do always try to be positive with my son and his learning to read.

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This weblog seeks primarily to be a resource to parents and their children facilitating, "Empowerment & Personal Responsibility through Education."

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