Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Father's Day Wish

I was reading a book of poems about dads. It is filled of words sharing appreciation for the love of a father from their daughters. Not every child can write such a poem about their father. It is very important for every child to have a father who loves, supports, and accepts him/her unconditionally. I had a father that I adored and continue to adore to this day. He always made me feel special and I never doubted his love. My sisters and I know our father loves us. He is a man who continues to love and guide his children to be respectable, independent, responsible women.

Men please love your daughters and sons and show them what a real man should be in the life of your children. Show them how they should be treasured. Show your children how a real man should treat a woman and take care of his family and business. Whatever it takes, please be in your children's lives. We need fathers to step up and be fathers more than ever. We need fathers that are going to make sure every child in their reach are successful and get the "Best Education Possible".

                            HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!


ninalazina June 20, 2011 at 8:39 AM  

How true. When I was little I used to wonder when my Dad would speak to us - his children. I often could not understand what he had to say to my mother as he had very few words for us. He worked most of the time and so we hardly saw him and when we did he did not speak much, nor interact with us. I, however, do love to hear when children speak so warmly of their fathers. And I made sure I found a father for my children unlike my Dad. So, to my boys' Dad - my husband- Happy Father's Day - you are the best and I am sure there are many like you. Great Post. Will be back. Nina

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