Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fitness and Your Child

Regular exercise can promote overall good health, confidence and a positive self image for your child. According to Jeffery Crupi, owner of the Peak Fitness Gym in Westport, CT., it is important to promote a positive attitude toward physical fitness. When getting your child interested in a physical fitness program consider the following guidelines:

1. Make it enjoyable - Focus on fun activities
2. Introduce a variety - Introduce such activities as softball, soccer, tennis golf, swimming, skating, or whatever activities best suits their needs
3. Plan for success - To ensure your child succeeds, parents should encourage their child to create realistic and attainable fitness goals
4. Constant feedback - Feedback that is both verbal and nonverbal can go a along way in stimulating a child's participation in physical fitness
5. Role modeling - Being a positive role model can help influence a child's commitment to a fitness program


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This weblog seeks primarily to be a resource to parents and their children facilitating, "Empowerment & Personal Responsibility through Education."

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