Monday, November 29, 2010

How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #56

When you know your child's learning style, you will be able to help them to study and become more successful in school. Many parents think their child is having a hard time learning, but it is simply the material is not being presented in a way they are able to understand and retain the information.  That brings us to tip #56.

Tip #56: Know your child's learning style.

Dr. Howard Gardner researched and found out that children and adults seem to learn and show how smart they are in a lot of ways. He also noticed that different parts of the brain seem to be tied to the different ways of being smart. Most people have some portion of each of the intelligences, but usually one or two of the intelligences will be more dominate. For the next couple of week days, I will present the 8 Gardner Intelligences.  Review each of the 8 intelligences carefully, and try to decide which one or two is the most dominate in your child. Then, talk to your child and tell them their strengths and weaknesses. Finally, have them participate in strengthening the weaker intelligences and have fun and take advantage of the dominate ones. This should be a fun thing to do with the entire family.

Teachers today are aware of these findings on Multiple Intelligences. They should be using them in their daily instruction. If your child is having difficulty with learning, it could be the way the material is being presented. Talk to the teacher and let him/her know that you are aware of your child's learning style. Maybe you both can come up with a plan together to help your child succeed. If you or the teacher feel the problem is more serious, don't hesitate to have the child tested and evaluated as soon as possible. The earlier a problem is diagnosis and treated, the better the results. There are so many new findings and treatments for learning delays, disabilities, and other interferences.

I have posted the intelligence before, but by request I am adding them to my How to Get The Best Education Possible: Tips for Parents.


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This weblog seeks primarily to be a resource to parents and their children facilitating, "Empowerment & Personal Responsibility through Education."

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