What Can I Volunteer To Do At My Child's School?
1. Donate materials: Ask the art teacher if they need empty milk cartons, paper-towel rolls, egg cartons, or other recyclable materials for projects or experiments. The librarian my want wildlife magazines or other reading materials.
2. Deliver books to the school that teachers order from public libraries.
3. Sew and decorate costumes for class performances.
4. Make treats for bake sales or for the teachers themselves.
5. Volunteer to be a guide for visitors during Open House Night.
6. Film or take pictures of special classroom events for the teacher.
7. Decorate bulletin boards.
8. Create a classroom website or student newsletter with writing, poetry, or art.
9. Plant flower bulbs with your child outside the school or clean up trash from the playground.
10. Read with a small group of children or to the whole class as a guest reader.
11. Become a tutor or mentor for a child having difficulty with reading or math.
12. Share your cultural background with your child's class around a holiday with a cooking project or craft.
13. Help organize events and activities that link parents, teachers, and students such as a school carnival.
14. Help coordinate a school clothing drive, canned-goods, collections, or book swaps.
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