Saturday, September 4, 2010

America's Growing Weight Problem

    According to an article in Time For Kids, a new study from Yale University, in New Haven, Connecticut,

shows that cereal makers want you as a customer.  The researchers studied 115 cereal brands and their ingredients.  Of the 115 brands, 19 were identified as "child brands" because they are marketed directly to kids through television and the Internet. 

Cereal makers spend nearly $156 million each year just on TV advertising aimed at children.  The makers also grab kids' attention with colorful packages, in-store displays, and online games.  The General Mills website averages 767,000 young visitors a month Post get about 265,000 visitors monthly.

About a third of children in the United States are considered overweight or obese.  Researchers believe that TV advertising plays a part in how much kids eat and the food choices they make.  Cereal makers say that they have responded to the nation's growing weight problem.  They have reduced calories, fat and sugar.  They have boosted fiber content and vitamins.  For a list of the 10 most nutritious cereals go to,


Ron September 4, 2010 at 12:54 PM  

A great article about over weight kids and ceral.

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