Schools That Work!!

The key to the success of this charter schools is everyone has a feeling of ownership and belonging. The dedicated and skilled teachers visit every students home. Parents are an important part of the success of the schools and if there is a lack of parental participation the school fills in the gap of parent. Lessons are taught in kid friendly ways with a lot of chanting, movements, and beats. These are found to be successful methods for many children of poverty.
The students must earn privileges such as earning new uniforms and going on field trips. There are currently 82 KIPP charter schools with the hopes of opening 20 more next year. Although this model will not work for every system, I think it is exciting when there is a successful model that can be replicated where it will work. We must highlight these schools and find out why they are successful and make sure every student in this country is receiving the "Best Education Possible"!
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