Sunday, August 29, 2010

6 Ways to Sneak in Exercise With Your Kids

According to an article in May 2010, below you will find 6 ways to sneak in exercise with your kids and have fun at the same time.

1. Hit the playground. Kids enjoy it more than going to the gym. The monkey bars and mini-rock wall build upper-body muscle. Jumping off the climbing structures boosts bone density and leg strength. Even the swings can be good core workout. It's like an outside circuit course.

2. Play a game. Kickball, tag, jumping rope, wheelbarrow races are all classics that absolutely count toward your child's daily activity requirements. For younger children, try Move Like an
Animal. Call out the name of a critter and challenge your child to mimic the way it moves: hop like a frog, balance on one leg like a flamingo, stretch like a cat, and so on.

3. Do fun chores. Have your child help wash the car (and getting soaked and soapy in the process) or planting the garden. It counts toward 60 minutes of activity a day!

4. Check out a class. Take your children to an open gym at the local gymnastic center and let them try out the equipment, or head to the indoor climbing wall or skate park for a lesson. One-offs like this are good because they let your child try out a bunch of different activities to see what they like best, without spending a lot of time or money.

5. Use people power. Ditch the care and walk or bike when you can. Pedal to the pool, playground, or pizza shop, and walk the mile to school.

6. Inspire your child. Bring your children to a sporting event like a Major League Baseball game or high school volleyball match, so they see and be motivated by the athletes. Before or after the game, kick around a ball together, shoot baskets, or play a little backyard volleyball.


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