Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Logical-Mathematical Child

The Logical-Mathematical Child enjoys figuring things out and may easily understand numbers and math concepts like finding patterns, and are interested and have fun with science. These children can excel in chess, computers, and like riddles, creating their own codes, and numerical activities. They also have the capacity for the abstract, and have a natural ability toward scientific thinking and investigation. These children enjoy estimating, doing math in their head, solving mysteries, spending time with brainteasers or logic puzzles, love organizing information on charts and graphs, and use computers for more than playing games. Career's which suit those with logical-mathematical intelligence include scientists, mathematicians, engineers, doctors, and economist.
Remember we all have some of all the intelligences, it is just that we may have more dominate traits of one or two. Ways your child can become more logic smart are:
1. Play games that use strategy and logic.
2. Watch television programs that teach science and math.
3. Practice calculating simple math problems in your head.
4. Explore science.
5.Read magazines or newspapers that cover math and science news.
6. Practice estimating things.
7. Do brainteasers.
8. Have a special math or science day with the entire family.
9. Write down ten questions about how the world works that you want answered.
10. Join a math or science club.
11. Find a book or Web site on science experiments.
12. Get a tutor or classmate to help with science or math.
13. Teach someone else science or math.
14. Research the orgins of math in other cultures.
15. Build your own Web page or site.
16. Notice how you solve problems.
If your child already is logical-mathematical, make sure they participate in some sports activities, read or write stories, play an instrument, join a social club like Boys/Girl scouts, or take up gardening. It will make them more social and engage them in much need physical activities. For more information on multiple intelligences get,"You're Smarter Than You Think", by Thomas Armstrong, PhD or google multiple intelligences.


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