Face The Music

1. Weigh In - Whenever you can hear what your child is listening to on the iPod, it's too loud. Develop a hand signal, like tapping your ear, to alert the music is too loud.
2. Take Control - Most MP3 players allow you to set a maximum volume limit. (For iPods, visit www.apple.com/sound ) If you can't tell get your child to keep it at 50% or less.
3. Change Headgear - Swap earbuds for earphones that cover the whole ear. Research shows that they block more outside noise, so kids are less likely to crank up the sound.
4. Limit Listening - Have your child play music through speakers when she's at home. Kids shouldn't have noise flowing directly into their ears for more than an hour a day.
5. Call a Doctor - If your child uses an MP3 player more than seven hours a week, take your child to an audiologist for a hearing evaluation. Find one at http://www.asha.org/ .
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