Effective Schools #8 - Parent and Caregiver Partnership

According to New Visions for Public Schools effective schools has an ongoing process that includes families into the life of the school in a variety of ways. The parents and caregivers have a voice and capabilities to help shape all parts of the school. The school trust that including the students' families it will be a positive partnership and influence for achieving success for every child.
Every effective school has an active Parent and Teacher Association or Parent, Teacher, Student Association (PTA or PTSA). These organization has the ability to plan with the principal and other leadership at the school to make instructional differences and financial contributions. Make sure you are a member of the PTA or PTSA and know the officers. This organization is mission is to make sure every child receives the "Best Education Possible".
Questions to ask and things to do:
1. Does your child's school have an effective PTA or PTSA? If not check with the school system's PTA or state PTA and find out what are the requirements to start one at your school.
2. Meet with the building principal and your child's teacher. Let them know any important information about your child that will make a difference in learning or socializing.
3. In just about every organization there is a negative element of dis-satisfied people. The schools can have that same element. Do not associate yourself with such groups. It will bring you down and nothing can be accomplished most of the time with negative groups. The relationship with school and parents should strive to be a positive partnership.
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