A Life Filled With Purpose

I have a New Year's Resolution of living my life filled with purpose in making sure our children "Get the Best Education Possible". I plan to blog every day, looking for interesting, useful, and informative articles and research, and sharing them with you. I hope each day will bring you things you can implement into your family to make them healthier, happier, and informed. I want it to primarily be education based with tips on health and family. It is my prayer that 2010 will be a time to help parents, "Get the Best Education Possible" for their child and every child in their reach.
If you have topic ideas or educational questions you would like answered, please leave me a note. It is my privilege and pleasure to serve you this year and I pray that everyone who follows my blog will be blessed. Thank you for your support in 2009 and I look forward to serving you all around the world. This is how I plan to fulfill my New Year's Resolution of living my life filled with purpose.
Sincerely yours in education,
Debra West
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