Effective Schools

The one thing I want every parent to understand is that they are the most important influence in their child's life. Therefore, you must be a positive partner with the schools and work together to see that your child is meeting all academic benchmarks. The school administration and teachers are there to educate and assist in developing your child academically and socially. You are there to make sure your child respects you, adults, peers, and themselves and values an education.
Below are the ten post for Effective Schools: All of the ten topics will fit into one or more of the eight effective schools chart to the left.
Day 1 - Clear focus and high expectations for everyone at the school
Day 2 - A challenging academic program for all children
Day 3 - Principal as an instructional leader
Day 4 - An individualized learning program for all children
Day 5 - School-based professional training for teachers
Day 6 - Meaningful assessment/testing
Day 7 - Partnerships with community organizations
Day 8 - Parent and caregiver involvement
Day 9 - Student voice and participation
Day 10 - Integration of technology into teaching and learning
To read more about effective schools go to http://www.newvisions.org/ .
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