Should I Use Rewards To Motivate My Child Academically?

Sometimes it may take material rewards for improving grades, but the reward should be small and inexpensive. Reward your child, but don't bribe the child. Bribing a child to do schoolwork by offering money for each good grade can make a child associate learning with rewards instead of giving the child a sense of pride and understanding of the full value of his or her efforts. When you discuss the rewards for achieving academic goals give your child choices.
Examples of things to do to reward your child for good grades:
1. Have the family go to a favorite restaurant or go get ice cream sundae.
2. Positive reinforcement is more motivating than any kind of punishment. Sometimes it can be as simple as a pat on the back.
3. Offer to have a friend over to spend the night.
4. Go bowling, skating, or play favorite games.
5. A week with no chores.
6. A trip the the local library or art museum.
7. Time together at the community park or playground.
8. Take a picture of the child with their ribbon or report card and put it on the web for family and friends to see or send it to grandparent in the mail.
9. Let the child stay up late on night to watch a favorite movie with popcorn and coke.
10. Take a day off and go to the next field trip.
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