An Exercise Program

During the month of September why not take advantage of the warm weather. Get your child in a fitness program that can continue throughout the year. To help your child understand the benefits of physical fitness, speak with him/her often about the need to take care of themselves physically. Be a role model and openly share with them what you do to stay in shape. Discuss how your daily physical routine helps you stay healthy. If you do not have a daily fitness routine, come up with a daily routine with your child. Make the fitness routine fun. Try walking, jogging, bike riding, swimming, skating, hiking, or any exercise everyone can enjoy. Work as a team and encourage one another. Remember to warm-up for at least 5 minutes before starting the physical exercise. Then, exercise and get your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes. Finally, have a cool-down for about 5 more minutes. It will make a world of difference in your family's health.
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