Give Me More Love

Some children refuse to let you in or have so much anger that there are walls almost impossible to move. Some children are so troubled that it is hard to understand what has caused such negative behavior. So, everyday you chip away inch by inch, brick by brick, wall by wall, until you see the slightest ray of light in their eyes and love grows in your and hopefully in their hearts. A smile may appears on a cold inexpressive face or laughter comes at an unexpected moment. These special times move your emotions and you just know or hope you know how to reach them. These are the children that no one likes, or can be very disrespectful, and are unmoved by any act of kindness. These children need to know someone cares about them more than they need math, science, reading, and social studies. When you show them love, magically, the academics emerge and they become excited about learning.
What happens to young children that cause such troubled behavior? You may or may never know, but if you can show some compassion and love you may change or save a life. Some days I fail and don't react or have the patience that I should, but I always try to do better each day. That is why I love education so much! That is how I learn as much from the children as they learn from me. That is why I must love and give of myself to reach out to the next generation and give them what God has always given me. LOVE!
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