Is There Still Racism In America?

The one statement that has helped me balance my emotions on this topic is when Senator Kennedy's son told the story about his father and the reason he could love and respect republicans, even though he was a liberal democrat was because he knew that republicans loved this country as much as he did. I am sure that is a true statement, but if it is not racism that many Americans are expressing in these town meetings and demonstrations, then they need to learn to express their political objections without the shouting, name calling, and angry expressions. How will we ever come to a compromise on this all important issue of reforming health care if we cannot express our disagreement without expressions of hate?!
Our leaders should be the ones that show the nation how to resolve our differences in a dignified manner. If they cannot show respect for one another they should not be in office. We as Americans must stand up for right and let others know that racism is unacceptable! Our children are listening and watching! I pray for our President to have wisdom, and that he will allow God to guide his decision making. I pray for his safety and his family's safety. Let us all continue to pray for the United States of America.
i under stand and see racism as an object imagined up in the minds of the sinful and deceitful man. this article goes over how we still have it in america and your picture shows that very well. if you notice that the African Americans mans hand is black, the Native Americans hand is red, and the Asian Americans hand is yellow. all these hands combined with the white mans hand create a sense of unity between the races, but what I'm trying to get at is that the Caucasians mans hand isn't white it is indeed tan witch is the Caucasians real skin color and as i recall African Americans aren't black,Native Americans aren't red, and Asian Americans are not yellow!
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