Friday, November 6, 2009

Have You Ever Wondered Why?

Have you ever wondered why there is war among nations?

Could it be our leaders have no love, fear, or patience?

Have you ever wondered how a father could leave his child?

Could it be he's afraid child support could be filed?

Have you ever wondered how a mother could be on meths?

Could it be her heart is cold and she wishes for death?

Have you ever wondered why so many people are crying?

Could it be terrorist bombs causing hundreds of dying?

Have you ever wondered how a child could kill and commit crimes?

Could it be there's no guidance and no hope makes hearts blind?

Have you ever wondered why a woman give her body to sell?

Could it be she is already living in a horrible hell?

Have you ever wondered how a man could put drugs in his vain?

Could it be he is trying to cover up all the pain?

Have you ever wondered why everyone can't get good medical care?

Could it be we turn blind eyes to what's humanly fair?
Have you ever wondered why everyone doesn't "get the best education",
Could it be politicians don't make the right allocations?

Have you ever wondered how to make all this madness stop?

We must learn to love and put humanity at the top!


About This Blog

This weblog seeks primarily to be a resource to parents and their children facilitating, "Empowerment & Personal Responsibility through Education."

This weblog is an extension of BestEducationPossible-theCommunity an online community dedicated to Parents and their efforts to empower their children through Education.

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