Thank You Veterans

Today is Veteran's Day 2009. In 1918, on the 11Th hour on the 11Th day in the 11Th month, World War I fighting officially ended. Today on November 11Th we remember all the men and women who serve and served in any of the Armed Services for our country.
This year holds significant meaning because of all the men and women currently serving overseas and those serving here at home protecting our freedoms. Also, this year is significant because of the events at Fort Hood, TX, the needless attack that killed 13 men and women. Our country grieves over the lost of these faithful soldiers. Let's remember all of our brave men and woman and keep them in our prayers. Remember to keep their families in your thoughts and prayers. We will continue to stand strong together! Teach your children about those that serve and risk their lives for us. God Bless Our Troops and God Bless America!!
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