Teaching Our Children: Birth To 12 Months
Birth to 6 Months
Having toys scattered around your home is a good thing! A mobile over the crib exercises your baby's legs and teaches eye-limb coordination as he/she kicks at it. A squeezable ball on the floor strengthens fingers and helps your child to roll an object and move it from hand to hand.
6 to 12 Months
Like most babies, yours probably loves peek-a-boo. Hiding games can energize your child's desire to seek things out and help him/her learn that objects still exist even when they're not visible. Hide a favorite toy under a cloth. As your baby flings off the cloth and finds the prize, celebrate with him/her, she's learned that items out of sight can be searched for and found. When your little on begins to pull up by holding onto furniture, set out an assortment of toys on your sofa just barely withing reach. Your child will practice standing , grabbing, and critical thinking skills.
Be sure to tune in tomorrow and find out some good tips for 12 to 24 months.
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