What If Your Child Is Not Wild About Their Nature Smart Skills?

1. Word Smart: Get closer to nature by reading about or reading stories with animals as characters. If your child wants to write a story encourage him/hr to write about nature settings or environmental issues.
2. Music Smart: Let your child listen to music in natural sounds like wind blowing, birds singing, or even cars whooshing by.
3. Logic Smart: Have your child look for patterns, numbers, and logic in nature. Nature also provides a lot of opportunities to solve problems in real-world settings.
4. Picture Smart: Your child can use natural materials in their art projects. Leaves, flowers, seed pods, and feathers are just a few things they can use for art.
5. Body Smart: Take your child for a walk, jog, in-line skating, or biking through the neighborhood, a state park, or another area with family or friends. It can be a lot of fun visiting new places or nature areas and get some fresh air.
6. People Smart: Your child can combined their love for people with nature by enjoying the outdoors with others. Go hiking or for a walk with friends in a local park.
7. Self Smart: Nature can be a great place for your child to think about what's important to him/her. Bring a journal or sketch book along to write down any thoughts about nature and what he/she sees.
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