Teaching Our Children: 12-24 Months

12 to 18 Months
At this stage, children start to use more abstract thinking skills. During bath time, give your young one a variety of playthings, some that float and some that sink. Plastic cups that hold different amounts of water will help your little one learn how different quantities can or cannot be poured from one container to another.
18 to 24 Months
Sand play helps toddlers learn about different substances and gives them an early lesson in chemistry and physics. For instance, your toddler can pack wet sand into a pail, turn the pail over, and make a mud pie. In the kitchen, let your child learn about cause and effect by seeing the way dough changes in the oven to make a cookie. Ask your child to predict what will happen when eggs are boiled or when pancake batter sizzles on a griddle.
Tommorow I will be reporting on 24 to 36 months, so be sure to check it out!
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