My Child Is Not Body Smart! What Can I Do?

According to Thomas Armstrong, PhD., it your child rips over his/her own feet or has trouble catching a ball without dropping it, all other intelligences rely on Body Smart skills. You couldn't write a great story without holding a pencil or tapping the keyboard with your fingers. Here are seven ways to become more Body Smart:
1. Word Smart: Act out your favorite story or poem.
2. Music Smart: Exercise to music.
3. Logic Smart: Try using your good sense of number and logic to figure out the best angle to throw a baseball, hit a baseball or tennis ball.
4. Picture Smart: Draw, paint, and sculpt.
5. People Smart: Try different team sports like basketball, volleyball, or football.
6. Self Smart: Try solo sports like swimming or running.
7. Nature Smart: Take a walk or run in the woods in your neighborhood
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