My Child Is Not Logic Smart! What Can I Do?

Here are seven ways to do it according to Thomas Armstrong, PhD.:
1. Word Smart: Write and solve your worn word problems. Talk through math problems2. Music Smart: Create your own rap or song to learn math facts. The time tables have strong natural rhythm and can be sung to music of your choice.
3. Picture Smart: Visualize or draw out quick pictures or sketches of the logic problems to help your child see different ways to solve problems.
4. People Smart: Play card games with friends and family. Start a math review group.
5. Self Smart: Get fun books of puzzles and brainteasers that will help your child work math or logical thinking , and work to solve them on his/her own.
6. Body Smart: Use objects you touch and move around like dice, cards, beans, or counters and puzzles shapes to help your child solve problems.
7. Nature Smart: Think about real-world applications of math. (Examples: If you are working on fractions divide a pizza with friends to look for patterns and math in the environment).
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