My Child Is Picture Smart! How Can I Expand His/Her Picture Smart Skills?

1. Word Smart: Encourage your child to notice the visual images in what you read. How do they help the characters or setting come to life for you?
2. Logic Smart: Your child might find that drawing math problems or science experiments helps to make sense. So much about Logic Smart is about observation and seeing patterns.
3. Music Smart: Have your child listen to music while making art, working on designs, or building inventions. Music can help the flow of creativity.
4. Body Smart: Teach your child about his/her body and how it moves can help him/her to be a better artist and designer or more effective inventor as he/she thinks about how the body moves around and use objects.
5.People Smart: Encourage your child to use design sense for cause he/she believe in . The ability to paint and draw posters, design banners, or create a logo for a T-shirt could make our child pretty popular it he/she volunteers their talent.
6. Self Smart: Have your child use a sketch journal for more than design ideas. Suggest for your child to draw a picture about the day, what he/she sees themselves doing in the future, or how he/she is feeling at the moment.
7. Nature Smart: These children have a strong ability to read maps and this might make a natural orienteering. Orienteering is a sport in which you use a detailed map and compass to find your way to specific places on the map.
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